Closet Estimate *Please note that this is a rough estimation* Closet Estimate Name * First Last * Last Email * Phone * Job Name * Room Name * Lineal Feet Enter the combined lineal feet * Type of Finish * Choose Your FinishWood VeneerCleafTexturedSupermatteHigh GlossMetallicAmerican Laminate WhiteAmerican Laminate Light GreyAmerican Laminate Storm GreyAmerican Laminate MapleAmerican Laminate Woodgrain/Non TexturedAmerican Laminate Textured MelamineMDF Solid Color Painted SlabPolyurethane (Lacquer ) Custom Paint FinishSolid Color Acrylic Custom Paint Finish Wood Veneer logo acf-forms activecampaign authorize aweber bootstrap campaignmonitor constant_contact getresponse googlesheets highrise hubspot mailchimp mailpoet paypal icon polylang salesforce salesforcealt stripe stripealt twilio woocommerce Zapier required delete move drag clear noclear duplicate copy clone tooltip tooltip_solid forbid checkmark image checkmark circle checkmark square check check1 plus plus1 plus2 plus3 plus4 minus minus1 minus2 minus3 minus4 cancel cancel1 close report_problem_solid report_problem arrowup arrowup1 arrowup2 arrowup3 arrowup4 arrowup5 arrowup5_solid arrowup7 arrowup6 arrowup8 arrowdown arrowdown1 arrowdown2 arrowdown3 arrowdown4 arrowdown5 arrowdown5_solid arrowdown7 arrowdown6 arrow_left arrow_right filter download upload2 download2 hard_drive pencil_solid pencil signature register account_circle_solid account_circle address_card paragraph checkbox_unchecked checkbox checkbox_solid dropdown caret_square_down radio_unchecked scrubber location_solid location toggle_on toggle_off shield_check shield_check_solid clock clock_solid email_solid mail_bulk code tag tag_solid price_tags search sitemap file file_text_solid file_text option option_solid more_horiz more_vert more_horiz_solid more_vert_solid calculator key key Filled Key Icon keyboard eye eye_solid eye_slash_solid page_break view_day attach_file printer header h1 repeat repeater save sliders code_commit star star_full star_half linear_scale pie_chart stats_bars sms feed align_right align_left button browser cloud_upload_solid shuffle swap pallet fingerprint ghost heart_solid heart history import export label_solid label lock_open lock alt_lock dollar_sign percent notification external_link pageview_solid pageview settings stamp support text white_label building icontact sendinblue sendy wordpress credit_card credit_card_alt cc_amex cc_discover cc_mastercard cc_visa cc_paypal icon cc_stripe price product total quantity directory Preview Natural Oak Ivory Oak Milk Oak Chalk Ash Desert Oak Manhattan Oak Granite Walnut Dusk Frake Stone Triba Mineral Triba Frozen Walnut Cinnamon Triba Smoked Walnut Stardust Walnut Chocolate Walnut Raven Oak High Gloss Agua Marina Antracita Azul Indigo Basalto Berenjena Black Blanco Blanco Polar Burdeos Cashemire Curry Gris 02 Gris Metalic Gris Nuba 03 Gris Perla Gris Plomo Ivory Lava Magnolia Merlot Pumpkin Rojo Art Oak 03 Cuzco Cobre Cuzco Copper Cuzco Graffit Cuzco Oro Cuzco Royal Gold Cuzco Silver Euroline 03 Guayana Laser Blanco Melange 04 Melange Olivio Olmo Roble Frappe Textil Grafito Textil Oro Textil Plata Metallo 01 Metallo 02 Metallo 03 Metallo 04 Osiris Cobre Osiris Grafito Osiris Plata Osiris Titanio Aluminio Copper Grafito Stuco 01 Stuco 02 Stuco 03 Stuco 04 Supermatte Agua Marina Antracita Azul Indigo Basalto Black Blanco Polar Blanco Burdeos Cashemire Curry Gris Nube Gris Perla Gris Plomo Magnolia Oriental Black Oriental White Osiris Cobre Osiris Grafito Osiris Plata Osiris Titanio Pumpkin Versilia Textured Anniversary Oak 01 Anniversary Oak 02 Anniversary Oak 03 Art Oak 01 Art Oak 02 Art Oak 03 Art Oak 04 Beton CRT Beton VE Pine Rustik Sierra Como Ash 01 Como Ash 02 Como Ash 03 Evora 03 Evora 04 Factory 01 Factory 02 Frappé 01 Frappé 02 Frappé 03 Ice 01 Ice 02 Ida 01 Ida 02 Ida 03 Ida 04 Lakeland Oak 01 Lakeland Oak 02 Lakeland Oak 03 Copper Melange 01 Melange 04 Oro Lenox 01 Plata Oriental Black Oriental White Versilia Marble Muratti 01 Muratti 02 Muratti 03 Muratti 04 Nocce 01 Nocce 02 Nocce 03 Olmo 01 Olmo 02 Olmo 03 Osiris Cobre Osiris Grafito Osiris Plata Osiris Titanio Oxid 01 Oxid 02 Oxid 03 Oxid 04 Pino Malibú 01 Pino Malibú 02 Pino Malibú 03 Pino Rústico 01 Pino Rústico 02 Pino Rústico 03 Pino Rústico 04 Spatt 01 Spatt 02 Spatt 03 Spatt 04 Spatt 05 Cleaf Alpaca fc43 Alpaca fc44 Cheope b073 Cheope lr29 Cheope u129 Duna fc05 Duna fc07 Duna fc08 Fronda s156 Fronda s164 Fronda s165 Geta s158 Geta s162 Idea fb80 Idea fb82 Idea fb86 Millennium b073 Millennium s083 Millennium s087 Mosaico fb35 Mosaico fb45 Primofiore fa33 Primofiore ua80 Primofiore ub19 Yosemite s010 Yosemite s013 Yosemite s016 American Laminate African Walnut Alabama Cherry Almond Amlam White Amlam White RWT Antiki RWT Antique White Antique White RWT Black Black RWT Black Sapelli RWT Black Walnut Bleached Blackwood Butternut Cannella Oak Charcoal Chocolate Pear Cordoba Pine Dark Teak Ebony Oak English Walnut Folkstone Folkstone RWT Grey Tweed RWT Greywashed Ash Natural Ash Oyster Pine Peach Sapelli RWT Pepperwood Pumice RWT Rock Oak RWT Sand Pine Teak White Oak Whitewashed Ash Paint Finish * MDF Solid Color Painted SlabPolyurethane (Lacquer ) Custom Paint Metallic Finish * Metallic Veneer Lineal Foot Cost $ Hardware *Handles not included Drawers * Soft close with melamine boxSoft close with dove tail plywood boxSoft close with dove tail solid wood boxSoft close with Matrix Slim metal boxSoft close with Grass Vianaro metal boxSoft close with Blum Legrabox metal box Drawer Quantity * Drawers wider than 36" count as 2. Standard Door Quantity * Doors wider than 36" count as 2. Tall doors count as 2. Lift Door Quantity * Hardware Cost $ Room 1 Cost $ Notes Add 2nd Room Yes No Estimated Total Upload Plans Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 50MB If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ